Be God’s Spokesman

For today’s devotion, I would like to take your attention to Numbers chapter 11, verses 25-30. Let me explain the context here. When the burden of leading the people of Israel through the wilderness became too heavy upon Moses, he cried unto God and God told him that He will take the spirit that is upon Moses and will put it upon 70 elders of the congregation so that they could share the burden of the people along with Moses.

God did exactly as He told Moses and in verse 25 we read that the spirit of the Lord rested upon the seventy elders and they started prophesying. They did so only when the sprit rested upon them. Now this happened in the tent or in the tabernacle. Now let me take your attention to the camps where the ordinary people were present..Verse 26 says..”However, two men, whose names were Eldad and Medad, had remained in the camp. They were listed among the elders, but did not go out to the tent. Yet the Spirit also rested on them, and they prophesied in the camp.”

Why did they remain in the camp when they were asked to go to the tent? I do not know..But one thing that spoke to me from that scripture is that if you are chosen for a purpose, then whether you are at the tabernacle or at the camp…you will do what you are supposed to do if the Holy Spirit dwells in you. These two men were also listen in that 70…They were called for a purpose. Your calling to proclaim God’s will does not end with church on Sundays…It should be your calling in your camps too..Where ever you are…you are called to proclaim God’s love…streets, homes, workplaces…among ordinary people. I’m so amazed at their attitude…They did not consider themselves “too holy” that they decided to be only with the chosen….but remained in the camp with the ordinary people who needs to know God’s word…who is susceptible to falling if not strengthened by the WORD. Where are we today? Are we always in the tents…saying that we are called to be with the chosen. Our purpose is to be revealed not only in the tabernacles..but also in the camps.

Now, let me take your attention to another person mentioned in the scripture. Verse 28 reads, “Joshua son of Nun, who had been Moses’ aide since youth, spoke up and said, “Moses, my lord, stop them!” “. Joshua had been with Moses from young age. He had seen how Moses had dealt with the people. For Joshua…something like this…prophesying in the camp…was inappropriate. In our present day language..not appropriate for the church norms. For him…prophesying must be done only in the tabernacle….not among ordinary people and in the camps. How often do we see such attitude among our own. We question the presence of the Holy Spirit in them if we see something out of ordinary or not so familiar. We say that the Spirit of God can work only in a specific way and that is exactly how it has been for all these years. Are we in that group judging the presence of Holy Spirit in someone just because they do it differently from you.

I’m amazed at the wisdom of Moses. He replied..”I wish that all the LORD’s people were prophets and that the LORD would put his Spirit on them!”. What an attitude..He never considered himself to be the only spokesman for God…He wanted others to know this God and share His will. He wanted everyone to be used mightily for the Lord..whether it be different from what He has done so far.

So let us all be His spokesmen…where ever we are. We might be doing it differently than others..but as long as we are sure about the presence of the Holy Spirit urging us to do our purpose…let us not be discouraged by the attitudes of others. Let us please God and not men.

God Bless,

Rani John

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